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Investigate an all-new haunted location in the heart of west Virginia. be a part of an extended paranormal project. at least 3 known deaths have occurred in the house along with numerous others on the property the house sits on with others in very close proximity to the property.

you and your team can take part in this new project and be a part of the book and docuseries. with veteran investigator and researcher dave spinks and renown Psychic medium, spiritualist minister and healer serenity jenny. if you wish or simply come out and investigate this location, it has already proven to be highly active with evp, unexplained noises and shadow figures. this house is one giant trigger object still containing the personal effects of the people who lived and died here. The latest death was in 2024 and blood stains from the death are still present in the spot where the former owner passed.
book your date now to be on the ground floor of this never before investigated location.

to book a date for your team call 304-619-4155 between the hours of 12pm and 8pm, if no answer leave a message and your call will be returned asap. 
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